The NM and the case of the Two Phones

Seriously, if she can't respect my boundaries?  I will do whatever I can to make her respect them.  I said not to contact me, and she thinks she can anyways.  Well, I am here so show her she can't.

This is how she makes me I am dealing with a toddler:

So, I was talking to our mutual friend yesterday and I let it slip that I did block my mother's phones from calling me.  She said "Phones?"  I said "Yeah, her home phone and her cell".  She said "Oh, you already know about her cell?  She said you didn't know."  Now, this irked me, because by my friend not telling me my mother had a cell phone, she was putting me in the position to get a call from her without me knowing, which isn't fair.  She knows I don't want to talk to her.  I wasn't asking her to tell me the number (she did have it, btw), I'd would have just appreciated the heads up.  But, she was told not to tell me by my mother, so she didn't.  *sigh*

So my friend asked me "How did you find out?"  I was going to tell her, because it's no big deal, but then I realized a) I'd be showing my hand (and you always want the upper hand with a narcissist), b) I'd lose that hand, and c) she didn't tell me about the phone, so why should I tell her how I learned about it?  So I replied (to jokingly quote my mother, which kind of felt icky to say) "Oh, I have my ways".

So later yesterday, she told BM that I blocked both of my mother's phones and BM was freaking out about fact I already had my mother's cell number.  Like, over dramatic freaking out.  *sigh*  I giggled at that one.  Drama queen. 

Apparently my mother was going to call me sometime from it, thinking she had one up on me.  She told all her friends this.  That I'd answer because I wouldn't know who it was.  Little did she know that I don't answer calls I don't know, and had she left a message, I would have immediately blocked her anyways.  So, derrrrrr.  *facepalm*

Her plans are foiled, once again.

I like having the upper hand in things, but geezus it's tiring.  And I am ready to be done with it all.  It's so hard when you live a block away, though.  We need to move so I can get some peace.  Though, I will say, that our mutual friend?  Is the tie that binds.  And I need to move away from all that secondhand information that I am getting so I can move on with my life.  Right now?  It's odd.  I kind of need to hear these things, so I can feel that justification I was talking about in a previous post.  That I made the right choice here (though, I really, really do know that no contact is 100% the right choice).  I wish I didn't need that justification.  I wish I could just feel my choice was enough on it's own.  And I am getting there.  It's just so freaking complicated at times.  Arrgggh. 

Hey, but at least mother can't call me on her home phone OR her cell 😉  So that's something!

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