Today in Narcissistic Adventures 11-13-21


Today my mother had my son wake us up and ask if he can take her to the grocery store to get her friend a cake.  I was going to make a cake last night, but I didn't, due to the fact that I was busy creating my book.  I've been working on this workbook for a long time, and recently found out that Canva deleted over 100 pages of my work.  

I am trying not to be angry about, since what will that do?  So instead, I just decided to go with what I had.  And in a way, it was a blessing, due to the fact that I realized I was putting WAY too much work into it in the first place.  Though that doesn't negate the fact that I did 100 pages of graphic design that is totally lost now.  But what can you do?  I can't change it, so I go with it.  

It's a seasonal workbook based on my mindfulness blog, and instead of being for the whole year, I ended up making it be for autumn.  I'll do winter next, but I tell you what, I was stressed the fuck out yesterday and today finishing it up, because KDP is very particular about stuff, and I had to edit, edit, edit.  And I forgot to make the cake.  

So she wanted to go get a cake.  I said fine.  I do NOT like her going to the grocery store and I do not let her go anymore, due to the fact she buys nothing but sweets, and she's diabetic.  Also, she buys tons of cleaners that I cannot breathe in due to allergies, which she knows, but buys them anyways.  

But I said okay, but I told my son "Do not tell her how much money she has in her bank until you get there, because she's going to flip."  I put $20 in her bank to keep her on track, and only buying cakes.  

But, she hounded my son before they left about how much money she had and he told her and she FREAKED the fuck out!  "Well, I am not going only to buy cakes!!  That's stupid!  I won't even go then!  Tell your mom I need EIGHTY more dollars!!"  No joke.  She was fucking serious.

I am surprised my son didn't burst out laughing.  Like I am going to give her eighty dollars to go the store and go buy candies, and cookies, and sweets, to kill herself with.  Good grief.  

So my son says "Well, mom just paid $350 to the vet for our animals, $350 to the first plumber to fix our emergency plumbing situation, and $350 to the second.  Plus she bought $200 worth of groceries the day before.  Plus she just bought you cigarettes and your vape, which around $100.  And Thanksgiving is coming.  She can't just give you $100 for no reason."  

This seemed to calm her.  And she went to the store with my son.  And guess what she bought?  

Fucking cat food.  

She knows I tell her all the god damned time I buy the SAME cat food because switching cat food gives several of my cats diarrhea.  And hers, too.  And there she goes and buys some random gross cat food, a tiny bag at that (we have 7 cats), for a majority of her money.  

She wanted to buy cake for her BFF, named Christmas (my name for her), since today was her 75th birthday.  And the woman didn't even show up.  

And this woman, who used to be my friend, too, has never once wished me a happy birthday or given me a card or even called to say hey about it.  So I am glad I didn't make her a cake.

So my mother used a cake mix we had at home (why she didn't in the first place really shows her ulterior motive for going to the grocery store).  And then she complained the ENTIRE FUCKING TIME at my oldest son (her current scapegoat) for not helping her make it in the way she wanted.  My theory is that if she needs help making a god damned box cake she shouldn't be cooking, period.  

But she did it and she was fine, she just wanted to try and guilt my son.  But she can fuck off about it, because I am glad he didn't help her, because she was being a total bitch to him.  And I do not deal well with her treating my kid like shit.  So I've been quite the smart ass to her today.  

She said "I told her your son if he leaves one more dish in the living room?  He has the do the dishes!" 

So I said "Oh that's nice, at least then our dishes will be clean, then."  

She said "I guess I'll just mix this pudding myself!" (complaining to my son, who wasn't listening to her)

So my husband said to her "Are your arms broke?  I mean, having broken arms means you need to see a doctor!"

She said, like she does EVERY FREAKING NIGHT "Oh Shay, who do you think I am?  You always put too much food on my plate!"  

So I said...nothing, because I was so freaking annoyed.   Then I said "YOU ARE WELCOME."  She replied "Oh, thank you, I didn't mean anything!"  So I replied "Well, you say that every single night, ma!  Just instead tell me it looks delicious."  She said "Oh, it looks delicious."  I said thank you.  

Today she's been a bitch since she woke up.  And when mother is a bitch, she gets bossy, controlling, and mean.  Usually to my son.  And she knows damn well I do not stand for that shit.  

So today, I am going to wash the dishes, as I may for the next week.  If she's going to thinks she's going to threaten my son about something so stupid, she's got another thing coming (granted, he'll wash the dishes, and do a better job than she does---I literally think she puts away dirty pots and pans without washing them--but it's not about that, it's about the fact she thinks she cant treat my son like a child and boss him around when she's angry).  She hates when I do dishes, because that means she's not doing them, and if she's not doing them, she has nothing to lord over us.  She LOVES to tell people that I make her do the dishes every day.  In fact, I forbade her last year from doing them because she's awful at it and there is caked on food on all our utensils, plates, cups, and otherwise.  But she just snuck back into it and now she does then every day again.  

Granted, my husband is going to school full time and working full time, and I have POTS, so neither one of us has the stamina to get them done before morning every single day.  And if I leave them until the morning, she will do them.  So I am okay with her doing them, but I am not okay with her using the fact that she does against people.  

A few months ago, she screamed "YOUR SON HAS MY BOWLS IN HIS ROOM!!"  And he didn't.  I had already looked (she loves to blame him for everything).  And she kept blaming him and I said calmly back "Your bowls?  I paid for them, they are mine."  Oh she didn't like that, but that's how she is.  She needs control like her body needs air and water to survive.  

I still can't get over she was asking for $100 today.  God knows it wasn't to get Thanksgiving stuff.  And if it was, I would have been angry, as I am in charge of Thanksgiving this year, 100%, because when she cooks anything? She acts like today: an irate lunatic.  So she's forbidden from making anything for any holiday ever again.  Hell, she's forbidden from cooking, period.  I fucking HATE IT when she does, as she's sooooooo mean and rude about it.  Always directing it at my oldest son.  

So yeah, I'm going to go plan Thanksgiving now.  And relish in the fact it will be stress free, if I have to slap some bitches around for it to be so!  Ha!  

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