Covid, Day 4


Monday and Tuesday were okay for me (except for the diarrhea, headache, sore throat and fatigue).  Then Tuesday around 6:30 pm the fever started.  And the deep body aches (the worst I've ever had).  And the chills and the burning skin.  Those persisted all day yesterday, and I could barely eat.  But then my body got angry with me and tried to make me puke from not eating for almost 24 hours.  So, I ate some saltines, which helped immensely.  Then I could finally eat my burger from the day before.  That helped a lot.  But the fever lasted all night, even though I was taking Tylenol, then four hours later ibuprofen, then six hours later, more Tylenol, then four hours later more ibuprofen.  It kept my fever low-grade, but never kicked it completely out.  The chills were horrible all night long.  But today, I feel so much better, and my fever is finally gone.  But now my throat feels raw and I can barely speak.  

So my mother looks me a little bit ago and said "How do you know you even have covid??  How do you know it's not just a cold?"  She knows we have rapid tests.  What a stupid thing to say.  Why would my husband take five fucking days off of work just for a stupid cold??  Yet, she's telling all her friends we have covid.  She just wanted me to think that by running out and buying her stupid cigarettes that I must be well enough to do so.  I AM NOT.  But she was having a fucking fit about it, so I had to go.  Both my kids have covid, too, so they can't go anywhere.  Never once did she say "Oh, I am so sorry for asking you to go get me cigarettes, I know you're sick."  No, it was constantly asking us to go, as though there was no issue with us going at all.  She's so freaking selfish.  

My youngest sounds like total shit.  My oldest only has very slight symptoms, and hopefully they won't develop into anything more.  But I looked at her after she said that and said "You know, you're next.  Most likely you will get it, too."  She replies "Oh no, not me.  I am too ornery to get it."  What she means is "I am too badass to get it", which is how she sees herself.  And maybe she won't.  That can certainly happen.  And I would prefer she not get it, as I wouldn't wish this on anyone.  But also, I just plain don't want to fucking take care of her.  She has too many other health issues, and mix those with covid?  Good grief.  No thank you.  

But for her to downplay our symptoms like that, it just pisses me off.  Then again, I remember that she's a potato.  And #potatoesgonnapotate.  I can't ask her to be anything more than what she is.  And then my anger fades away because why do I care if a potato thinks I'm exaggerating how sick we've been?  She can suck it.  It's like caring that a child doesn't believe you when you tell them something.  They're a kid.  What do kids know?  And what do potatoes know?  Not a damn thing.  That's what.  

So, I give this experience 1 out of five stars, would not recommend.  

UPDATE: Mother now says she's getting symptoms.  Which sucks for everyone.  Sigh. 

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