Still Sick


We don't have covid, but whatever this upper respiratory infection is, it's really annoying.  We've been sick since October 6th!!  It's been 9 days!  This isn't fun at all.  Mr. Brooks took yesterday off of work again so we could both go to the immediate care.  And the lady was kind of crazy.  What it is with crazy doctors who work at the immediate care places??  We've had so many!  She diagnosed with me with a "slight heart murmur", which is crazy because I just saw my heart doctor in August and had a heart monitor in June.  But I called my heart doctor just to be safe and see what's up. 

Well, today I woke up not feeling like actual balls, like I did yesterday.  So, that's something.  I also started to feel WAY better yesterday during the day, too, which was great.  Let's hope today goes well, too.  

I am heading out to the home store in a minute to go pick up a shed for our backyard.  And some other stuff I need.  I just need Mr. Brooks to wake up so we can go.  

I hope we're both heading towards wellness soon, too.  As this sickness is just awful.  Ugh.  My throat hurts and I'm still coughing with bouts of coughing fits and Mr. B. is just all around sick still.  I just want us both to be healthy again.  I bought him N95 masks for work so maybe that will stop him from getting more goddamned sicknesses from there, which is where we got this one and covid last year.  

I just want this be done with.  I want to be healthy again.  Ugh. 

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