Mother is Being Weird Again


So, this past week, she's stolen my ziplock bags (like a mass amount of them), my paper towels, and a kitchen chair.  All without asking.  It's so weird.  Then she took down all her cat knick-knacks in the living room and then went in there to look at the bare shelves and asked my son "Who put these up here?"  Then she bagged them all up to sell them (hence the stealing of my ziplocks and paper towels) and I told her, they're like worth $1 or less and nobody was going to buy them, which disappointed her (I think she wants money or something).  But boy, she's acting nutty.  She even yelled at me today, because she broke her cigarettes and wanted me to replace them.  I had taped them together with paper tape and she refused to use them.  But she said "they don't work!" and I said well try them to make sure.  And she started screaming.  Sigh.  

Yeah, my question if mother is demented or not?  I think she really might be LOL   Taking things without asking and just being all around weird.  It's not like her.  Or really, it is.  She just waits after a long time of acting normal to act up and be weird and every time is different.  This time, she stole my kitchen chair.  I am going to replace it with an outdoor chair that's high up so she can get in and out of it.  It's cushioned, too, which is what she wants.  So, we'll see if that works.  She'll prolly hate it and take my chair again LOL  Oh well.  

She's getting really weird lately.  But we'll see if this is just one of her "phases" or if she's going downhill.  Most likely it's a phase.  But we'll see.  

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